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Our vision for New Norfolk High is a respectful learning community with high expectations for ourselves, for others and for the way in which we learn together. Applying our Values to bring this vision to life is The New Norfolk Way.
One of the ways we do this is by focussing on what we can do to increase students access to meaningful future pathways. Building on the results I reported in the last newsletter, more than two thirds of our Year 10 students have already completed their Transition Plan. All Year 10 students are required to have completed one of these by the end of term 3. Completing them earlier will help for the upcoming Claremont College Taster Day next Wednesday, 26th June. The plans will also play an important part in our parent-teacher conversations in week 9 which, for Year 10s, will have a career pathway focus.
The Parent Teacher meetings will be held from 3.15 pm to 5 pm on Monday 24th of June. Booking are now open through Schoolzine. If you need any support making a booking, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. On the day, mid-year reports will be available, along with free finger food, coffee & other hot drinks from our new Café. Developed to support our Y11/12 VET courses in hospitality, the Café is also now open for staff and students before school and during recess as an additional warm, inviting space.
We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible on the day.
Stuart Lord
Thursday 20th June
- NNHS Quiz night Postponed until Term 3
Friday 21st June
- AFL 9s competition
Monday 24th June
- Parent teacher event.
Wednesday 26th June
- Claremont College Taster Day (excursion)
- Grade 7 and 10 vaccinations
Thursday 29th June
- P4 Values Assembly
Friday 28th June
- Molly and Matt visiting to discuss apprenticeships with Grade 10
Term Dates
Term 2: Monday 29th April – Friday 5th July
Term 3: Monday 22nd July – Friday 27th September
Term 4: Monday 14th October – Thursday 19th December
We continue our commitment to the DECYP, and our school values of Connection, Respect, Growth, Courage, and Responsibility. Our focus values for term two are Respect and Connection.
Over the last few weeks, we have focussed on getting Sorted, Started and Settled to begin our learning, and Listening Respectfully to instructions.
We have also been working on treating our school environment with respect, part of that is making sure that all rubbish is picked up. We’ve had a number of visitors lately, for events such as the Careers Fair, keeping the yard clean and tidy shows our school in a good light and supports positive connection with the community.
Our last fortnight’s focus has been Being Kind when interacting with others. Respect and kindness towards one another in our school community, is essential as these values form the basis of our interactions and relationships.
Respect is about recognizing the worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of differences in background, beliefs, or opinions. It means treating each other politely and with understanding.
Kindness is about helping, listening, and caring. Kindness creates a sense of belonging and connection within our school community.
We all have our own unique experiences and ideas, and by listening with an open mind, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and each another.
Words have the power to uplift or hurt, let’s choose our words wisely and be mindful of our actions and how they impact those around us.
Lastly, let's try to reach out and support one another. Whether it's through small acts of kindness or offering to help someone, demonstrating that we're here for each other, no matter what.
Jodie Strohfeld AP Wellbeing
This Semester during Film Studies electives class, the Year 8s have been exploring genre codes and conventions and film techniques. We have been viewing and discussing a selection of films, analysing their narrative structure, setting features, lighting, and camera techniques to deepen our understanding of visual media and storytelling. Our students have enjoyed studying films within the Thriller and Horror genre, learning terminology and critical thinking skills they can take with them into other subjects and the real world.
Our Year 11 and 12 students have had an incredibly productive term. They have achieved their First Aid qualification, participated in the P.A.R.T.Y Program at the Royal Hobart Hospital, and attended the Career Expo at NNHS. Additionally, they have been actively involved in a variety of work-placement opportunities. I would like to extend a big thank you to Fairview Primary School and ptunarra Childcare.
Academic and Extracurricular Activities:
English: Students are conducting a theme analysis of Suzanne Collins' novel The Hunger Games and the 2013 Rana Plaza Disaster to explore the concept of ‘Power.’
Personal Care: The focus has been on understanding risk-taking and physical health.
Career and Life Planning: Year 12 students are considering their pathways for the upcoming year and will be interviewing representatives from their dream career pathways this week.
ICT Skills: Students will complete the Essential Skills: Computers course this term, earning their ICT tick towards the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE). Next term they will commence Community Service Learning, requiring them to complete 30 hours of volunteering.
Hospitality Certificate II: Students are now moving onto their practical assessments for two units; Interact with Customers and Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages, so you will see them serving in the Swan regularly during term 3.
Food Cooking and Nutrition 2: Students are working on their Key Foods assignment to accompany their practical sessions. The students will also be providing catering and continuing to assist with serving free lunches.
Road Safety Skill Set: Year 11 are now up to the third of six units making up the Road Safety Skill Set. This skill set will not only make the students great drivers, it will also give them a section of units making them ready for job roles in transport and logistics.
Community Services Certificate II: Students are currently collaborating with their VLT teacher to plan their 10-day work placements for next term.
To obtain their TCE, students must accumulate 120 TCE points, including their Literacy, Numeracy, and ICT ticks. Term 2 progress reports, which detail their performance against course criteria so far this term, will be distributed this week.
Year 11 and 12 students will finish school on November 15th this year, and the countdown has officially begun.
Jess Cep
Student voice:
What is your goal for Term 3?:
Aislin C: To get a job from my work placement experience.
Jade C: To write a complete narrative story.
Jazmyn C: To organise a work placement that I will be excited to do.
Abbey C: To remain at school for all classes and complete all work and go on camp for the first time.
In Tasmania, under the Education Act (2016), young people are required by law to remain in education and training until they meet a leaving requirement:
- finish year 12
- turn 18
- achieve a Certificate III(via an apprenticeship)
- has full time employment (35 hours per week) *
If your young person has full time employment*, evidence will need to be provided (via a payslip or letter of employment) and you need to apply for an exemption by contacting the school.
Year 10 students are currently in the process of completing their transition plans on Canvas with around 65% of students having a completed draft. Transition plans include details of their interests in and outside of school, previous work experience, future plan (for career, job or trade), and a first and second choice for Year 11/12 destination. A destination may include a college, TasTafe or an apprenticeship, or a combination of both. These will be submitted in Term 3.
It is vital that parents and carers are aware of and have input into their young person’s transition plan. We would like to invite you to please look over the document (which will come home with reports), speak to your young person about their intentions and arrange a meeting or phone call with their teacher to discuss.
Please book via the link on the Schoolzine App to schedule a discussion with your child’s home group teacher at the Parent/Teacher Evening on June 24th, between 3 pm and 5 pm, or call the office on 62 617 800 to arrange another suitable time.
What is your opinion on the school café?
I think that it is a very good opportunity, and that the drinks taste good. But sometimes, the teachers are rushing the people in there. Otherwise it’s good.
My personal opinion on the Swan is that I like it a lot! Like how it gives you a range of drinks including hot drinks, milkshakes and more.
My opinion is that the Swan Café is a nice addition to the school.
The Swan Café is a good place for drinks and socialising.
I believe it is a good thing, because it can be useful on cold days by getting hot chocolates and coffee (which is great for giving teachers a caffeine boost).
The Swan Café is good especially in the winter, because it has hot drinks and biscuits.
My opinion on the Swan Café is that it’s honestly a really good idea. It’s definitely well thought out and planned, it’s useful because it teaches students how to make the drinks food etc and gives them important skills they may want to use in the future. The students and staff also enjoy it from what I’ve seen and heard so it’s a win, win for everyone.
This term, Year 11 and 12 students at NNHS completed both their pre-training and the practical component of their first aid qualifications.
The students acquired essential skills and knowledge, including how to:
- Respond to emergency situations
- Apply appropriate first aid procedures
- Communicate details of an incident
- Review an incident
Congratulations to Abbey Cleaver and Aislin Cooper for updating your qualifications, and to Jazmyn Coppleman, Jade Curran, Hailey Lowe, Emma Newell, and Emma Van Steenis for earning your qualifications and receiving 3 valuable TCE points towards your Tasmanian Certificate of Education.
This course provides a significant advantage, allowing students to enhance their resumes with a first aid qualification—an asset for any employer.
Special thanks to Rachel Barnstable from Claremont College for running this course.
- Jessica Cep
Across the last fortnight in HPE we have been embracing the chilly weather whilst also making the most of the very few warm days we have left. With this we have had a number of joint PE lessons in the gym which our students have really enjoyed.
On Friday last week our students took on the staff in a game of badminton at lunch time. Unfortunately for the students the staff again were victorious in some very tightly contested games across various pairings.
This coming Friday our two AFL 9s teams will be heading to Cadburys Oval to participate in a round robin series against various other schools. We wisht the best of luck to the teams and hope we will have good news to report for the next newsletter.